| A KT · 2003 IV coloquio internacional de Ciencias de la documentación = VI congreso del Capítulo español de ISKO: Salamanca, 5-7 May 2003 = (Manifestazioni dopo) = AIDA informazioni. 21 2003. 2. 119-122 |
| A KT · 2004 Knowledge organization in Italy = Knowledge organization. 31 2004. 1. 64-66 |
| A KT · 2009 IFLA Classification and Indexing Satellite Pre-Conference: report = Knowledge organization. 36 2009. 4. 261-262 |
| A KT KB · 2004 8' international ISKO conference: London 2004.07.13-16 = (Manifestazioni dopo) = AIDA informazioni. 22 2004. 4. 79-82 |
| A KT KI KB · 2003 L'indicizzazione semantica è ancora strategica: la sessione GRIS al congresso dell'AIB = (Manifestazioni dopo) = AIDA informazioni. 21 2003. 4. 61-62 |
| A KT KI KB · 2004 Quali spazi per le classificazioni?: tavola rotonda: Torino. Biblioteca civica Geisser 2001.01.20: resoconto = (ISKO Italia. Documenti) — ISKO Italia 2004.05- |
| D G KS KT KB · 2007 The León manifesto / [Claudio Gnoli, Rick Szostak, María José López-Huertas] = (ILC) — ISKO Italia 2007- » Knowledge organization. 34 2007. 1. 6-8 |
| D I KT KB · 2013 The blind knowledge organizers and the elephant: working notes on Kleineberg's levels of knowing / Claudio Gnoli, Michael Kleineberg, Rick Szostak = (Integrative Levels Classification) — ISKO Italia 2013- |
| D KS KT KB KD · 2024 Phenomenon-based classification: an ARIST paper / Claudio Gnoli, Richard Smiraglia, Rick Szostak = (Annual review of library and information science) = Journal of the Association for information science and technology. 75: 2024. 3. P 324-343
» [popular version] Should classification get undisciplined? (Information matters. 4: 2024. 1)
| I KT KB · 2007 Ockham's razor and Poli's beard: Levels of reality: workshop: Bolzano=Bozen (Italy): 26-28 September 2007: report / Claudio Gnoli, Enzo Cesanelli = (ILC) — ISKO Italia 2007- » Knowledge organization. 34 2007. 3. 169-172excerpt = (Semiotix: a global information bulletin. 10) |
| L A KT · 2024 Library catalogue's search interface: making the most of subject metadata / Koraljka Golub, Claudio Gnoli, David Haynes, Athena Salaba, Ali Shiri, Aida Slavic = Knowledge organization. 51: 2024. 3. P 169-186
erratum on authors' order = Knowledge organization. 51: 2024. 4. P 286
| O A E KT KB · 2018 [Review of] Jaap Maat, 2004, Philosophical languages in the Seventeenth Century: Dalgarno, Wilkins, Leibniz, Dordrect-Boston-London: Kluwer (The new synthese historical library: texts and studies in the history of Philosophy. 54), 415 pp., ISBN 1-4020-1758-8 = Knowledge organization. 45. 8. P 709-711 |
| T N KT KI KB · 2012 Nei Bassi Tatra dopo trent'anni: memoria personale al tempo di Google — 2012- |
Claudio Gnoli is main author where not otherwise written.
Included are unprinted public speeches, in lighter colour.
Works are classified by the following faceted scheme: