| Gray code is a binary code that can be used to express subject categories and sort documents according to them [Losee 2017]
| 1100000000000 · A D KL · 2019 Information and data in allergology: theoretical and methodological proposals for building a knowledge organization model dedicated to the design of info-communication devices / Marcin Trzmielewski, Céline Paganelli, Pascal Demoly, Luciana Kase Tanno, Davide Caimmi, Claudio Gnoli = (ISKO Low Countries Conference. 1: Bruxelles 2019.06.21-22)
| 1100001000100 · A D L Q KL KA KD · 2023 The curtain of Broni: knowledge organization beyond books = Il sipario di Broni: organizzazione della conoscenza oltre i libri / Claudio Gnoli; Laura D Zambianchi: collaborazione = (Beyond books: subject indexing of non-book resources: Rome, 2023.02.06-07 / AIB CILW, ISKO Italia)
| 1001000000000 · A F KB · 2017 The APUPA bell curve: Ranganathan's visual pattern for knowledge organization =La courbe en cloche APUPA: le modèle visuel APUPA pour l'organisation des connaissances / Carlo Bianchini, Luca Giusti, Claudio Gnoli = (La classification à facettes revisitée: de la théorie à la pratique / Michèle Hudon, Widad Mustafa el Hadi: ed's) = Les cahiers du numérique. 13 2017. 1. P 49-68
| 1000100000000 · A G · 2022 Organization of medical knowledge: documentation techniques applied to a macro-domain implying socio-
political issues = Organisation des connaissances médicales / Marcin Trzmielewski, Claudio Gnoli = Information practices and knowledge in health. P 167-196 / Viviane Clavier, Céline Paganelli : ed' = 5 (Health engineering and society Series. Health information set) — ISTE : London ; Wiley : Hoboken : 2022
| 1100010000000 · A I D KL · 2018 A vision of knowledge organization: panel in honor of Ingetraut Dahlberg / H.-Peter Ohly: chair; Axel Ermert, Marcia Lei Zeng, Claudio Gnoli, Birger Hjørland, Richard Smiraglia: focused contributions; Michael Kleineberg, Rosa San Segundo, Rick Szostak, Joseph Tennis, Maria Inês Cordeiro: comments; Jiří Pika: synopsis = (International ISKO Conference. 15: Porto 2018.07.11) [report in preparation] |
| 100001011000 · A I O P · 2024 Classification in the wider philosophical perspective of informational ontology = Ranganathan lectures. 2023: online, Mysore: 2024.01.04
» [book] — Sarada Ranganathan endowment for library science: in prep'
| 1000010011000 · A I O P KB · 2014 Unified Theory of Information, hypertextuality and levels of reality / Claudio Gnoli, Riccardo Ridi = Journal of documentation. 70 2014. 3. P 443-460
» It and bit: nessi fra alcune teorie dell'informazione, della conoscenza, del documento e della realtà = Bibliotime. NS. _
| 1000000000000 · A KB · 2015 A place for each toy: an interview with Ingetraut Dahlberg = AIDA informazioni. 33 2015. 1-2. P 207-211 |
| 1000000000000 · A KB · 2016 What is knowledge organization about?: letter to the editor [commenting Knowledge organization / Birger Hjørland = (ISKO encyclopedia of knowledge organization)] = Knowledge organization. 43. 8. P 668-669 |
| 1000000000000 · A KI KB · 2016 Siamo tutti organizzatori di conoscenza = (Introduzione [Convegno dell'Associazione italiana per la terminologia. 26: Rende 2016.04.14-16]) = AIDA informazioni. 34 2016. 1-2. P 17 |
| 1000000000000 · A KI KD · 2020 Sapere vs. conoscenza: alternative per tradurre knowledge organization nelle lingue neolatine: un workshop agile e multimediale di ISKO Italia / Patrícia de Almeida, Massimo Angelini, Claudio Gnoli,
Daniel Martínez Ávila, Widad Mustafa El Hadi, Riccardo Ridi, Giulia Visintin = (ISKO Italia. Documenti) — 2020 |
| 1000000000000 · A KL KA · 2022 20th European NKOS Workshop: networked knowledge organization systems and services / Douglas Tudhope, Claudio Gnoli, Koraljka Golub, Philipp Mayr : chairs = JCDL '22: Proceedings of the 22nd ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries. Article 55
| 1000000000000 · A KL KA · 2023 Conceptual organization as a persistent need even in digital knowledge: keynote speech = (Transition form observation to knowledge to intelligence. 5: Yaoundé: 2023-04.13-14) |
| 1000000000000 · A KO KB KC · 2016 ISKO encyclopedia of knowledge organization / Birger Hjørland: editor-in chief; Claudio Gnoli: co-editor, web editor — ISKO 2016-review / Stella Dextre Clarke = Catalogue and index. 188 2017. P 59-60 |
| 1000000000000 · A KQ KI KD · 2015 Organizzazione della conoscenza = (Seminario di cultura digitale / Università di Pisa) — 2015.02.25
| 1000000000000 · A KS KM · 2025 Introduction to knowledge organization — Facet: London: 2020
review / Susan Rathbun-Grubb = Technical services quarterly. 38: 2021. 4. P 459-460
review / MP Satija = Library progress. 41: 2021. 2. P 375-377
Polish review / Bartłomiej Włodarczyk = Zagadnienia informacji naukowej: studia informacyjne. 59: 2021. 2. P 82-85
» #2 ed' — Facet: London: 2025
| 1000001000000 · A L · 2016 Classification for collections mapping and query expansion / Claudio Gnoli, Laura Pusterla, Anna Bendiscioli, Cristina Recinella = Proceedings of the 15th European Networked Knowledge Organization Systems Workshop: Hannover 2016.09.09. P 23-31 / Philipp Mayr, Douglas Tudhope, Koraljka Golub, Christian Wartena, Ernesto William De Luca: ed' = (CEUR workshop proceedings)
| 1000001000000 · A L KI KB · 2017 Classificazione e browsing interdisciplinare del catalogo: un'esperienza all'Università di Pavia / Laura Pusterla, Anna Bendiscioli, Claudio Gnoli, Marco Lardera = JLIS.it. 8 2017. 2. P 83-91 — 2017
| 1000001000000 · A L KI KL · 2022 Di soggettari, classificazioni e altri KOS [testo dell'intervento alla presentazione della 2a ed' della guida al Nuovo Soggettario, Firenze, 2022.06] = Bibelot. 28: 2022. 2. Indicizzazione semantica in pillole
| 1000001000000 · A L KK KI · 2016 Realizzare un tesauro: la trasformazione del soggettario del polo TSA / candidata Elisa Zilli; tutor di progetto Claudio Gnoli = (Master di 1' livello in Indicizzazione di documenti cartacei, multimediali ed elettronici in ambiente digitale / Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Consorzio BAICR: anno accademico 2015-2016) |
| 1000001000000 · A L KL · 2017 SciGator: a DDC-based browsing library interface / Marcin Trzmielewski, Claudio Gnoli, Marco Lardera, Gaia Heidi Pallestrini, Matea Šipić = (European DDC Users Group Annual Meeting. 2017: Paris 2017.06.27-28) » Mapping classifications and linking related classes through SciGator, a DDC-based browsing library interface = Catalogue & index. 188. P 30-33 |
| 1000001000000 · A L KL KB · 2017 Developing SciGator, a DDC-based library browsing tool / Marco Lardera, Claudio Gnoli, Clara Rolandi, Marcin Trzmielewski = (Italian ISKO Meeting. 8: Bologna 2017) = Knowledge organization. 44 2017. 8. P 638-643
| 1000000100000 · A N · 2020 Popularity of entries in ISKO Encyclopedia of Knowledge Organization / Claudio Gnoli, Edoardo Manelli = (Letters to the editor) = Knowledge organization. 47. 1. P 92-93 |
| 1000000100000 · A N KB · 2014 Knowledge organization systems (KOSs) = P 43-65 (Subject access to information: an interdisciplinary approach / Koraljka Golub — Libraries Unlimited: Santa Barbara, Denver, Oxford 2014)
| 1000000001000 · A P KL KI KB · 2015 Livelli di irrealtà: oggettività & soggettività nell'organizzazione della conoscenza / Riccardo Ridi; Claudio Gnoli: collaborazione = (7' Incontro ISKO Italia: Bologna 2015.04.20) = Bibliotime. 18 2015. 2. [5]
| 1000000000100 · A Q KI KB · 2017 Terminologia locale e terminologia dotta: alcuni casi di diversa organizzazione della conoscenza = (Bibliografie, biblioteche e gestione dell'informazione: un omaggio a Francesco Dell'Orso = (ESB forum)) — 2017- |
| 1100111000000 · D A G I L · 2021 Fiction in a phenomenon-based classification / Patrícia de Almeida, Claudio Gnoli = Cataloguing and classification quarterly. 59: 2021. 5. P 477-491
| 1100011100000 · D A G I L KL · 2021 Afirmando Pereira: a Integrative Levels Classification na representação do assunto ficcional / Patrícia de Almeida, Claudio Gnoli = Organização do conhecimento no horizonte 2030: desenvolvimento sustentável e saúde: atas do V Congresso ISKO Espanha-Portugal. P 605-616 / Carlos Guardado da Silva, Jorge Revez, Luis Corujo: ed' — Universidade de Lisboa. Centro de estudos Clássicos, Colibri: 2021
| 1100100000000 · D A G KM · 2016 Interdisciplinary knowledge organization / Rick Szostak, Claudio Gnoli, María José López-Huertas — Springer: [Cham] 2016review / Michael Kleineberg = Knowledge organization. 43 2016. 8. P 663-667review / David B Levy = Canadian journal of information and library science. 40 2016. 4. P 347-348review / José A Guimarães = Journal of the Asociation for Information Science and Technology. 68. 9. P 2287–2289
| 1100010000000 · D A I KL · 2020 Can an ontologically-oriented KO do without concepts? / Luís M Machado, Graça Simões, Claudio Gnoli, Renato Souza = Knowledge organization at the interface: proceedings International ISKO Conference. 16: Aalborg 2020.07. P 502-506 / Marianne Lykke, Tania Svarre, Mette Skov, Daniel Martínez-Ávila : ed' = (Advances in knowledge organization. 17) — Ergon: Baden-Baden 2020 |
| 0110000000000 · D E KL · 2019 Dimensional analysis of subjects: indexing KOSs in BARTOC by phenomena, perspectives, documents and collections / Claudio Gnoli, Ziyoung Park, Andreas Ledl = (ISKO Low Countries Conference. 1: Bruxelles 2019.06.21-22)
| 0100111000000 · D G I L KL KA · 2023 Why disciplines are not enough: library catalogues and phenomenon-based classification: invited keynote = (Days of Knowledge Organization. 2023: Oslo: 2023.06.01-02) |
| 1110010000000 · D I A E KL KB · 2018 Phenomenon-based vs. disciplinary
classification: possibilities for evaluating and for mapping / Claudio Gnoli, Andreas Ledl, Ziyoung Park, Marcin Trzmielewski = P 653-662 (Challenges and opportunities for knowledge organization in the digital age: proceedings of the Fifteenth International ISKO Conference 2018.07.09-11: Porto (Portugal) / Fernanda Ribeiro, Maria Elisa Cerveira: ed' = Advances in knowledge organization. 16 — Ergon: Würzburg 2018) [won [Ingetraut Dahlberg] Best Paper Award]
| 1110010000000 · D I A E KL KB · 2018 Un défi de recherche interdisciplinaire: comparaison d'une classification disciplinaire avec une classification basée sur les phénomènes / Marcin Trzmielewski, Claudio Gnoli = Carnet DLIS. 2018.09.13 = (Hypothèses) |
| 1100010000000 · D I A KL KB · 2017 Indexing KOSs in BARTOC by a disciplinary and a phenomenon-based classification: preliminary considerations / Andreas Ledl, Claudio Gnoli = Faceted classification today: theory, technology and end users: proceedings of the International UDC Seminar, 14-15 September 2017, London, United Kingdom. P 109-117 / Aida Slavic, Claudio Gnoli: ed' — Ergon: Würzburg 2017
| 0100010001000 · D I P KL · 2022 Taiga penguins: expressing existence and fictionality in a phenomenon-based classification / Claudio Gnoli, Patrícia de Almeida, Luís Miguel Oliveira Machado, Riccardo Ridi = Knowledge organization across disciplines, domains, services and technologies: proceedings of the Seventeenth International ISKO Conference, 6-8 July 2022 Aalborg, Denmark. P 101-110 / Marianne Lykke, Tanja Svarre, David Haynes, Mette Skov, Martin Thellefsen, Daniel Martínez-Ávila: ed' — Ergon: Baden-Baden: 2022 [winner of conference Best Paper Award]
| 0100000000000 · D KA · 2021 Disciplines and phenomena in knowledge organization systems = (KO-ED) — Zoom : 2021.01.14 |
| 0100000000000 · D KS KT KB KD · 2024 Phenomenon-based classification: an ARIST paper / Claudio Gnoli, Richard Smiraglia, Rick Szostak = (Annual review of library and information science) = Journal of the Association for information science and technology. 75: 2024. 3. P 324-343
» [popular version] Should classification get undisciplined? (Information matters. 4: 2024. 1)
| 1110000000000 · E A D KI KB · 2019 Rilevanza nel documento e rilevanza per l'utente: l'ordine di citazione dei temi = Viaggi a bordo di una parola: scritti sull'indicizzazione semantica in onore di Alberto Cheti. P 105-117 / Anna Lucarelli, Alberto Petrucciani, Elisabetta Viti: cura; Rosa Maiello: presentazione — AIB: Roma 2019
| 1010001000000 · E A L KL KB · 2015 Commerce, see also Rhetoric: cross-discipline relationships as authority data for enhanced retrieval / Claudio Gnoli, Rodrigo De Santis, Laura Pusterla = Classification & authority control: expanding resource discovery: proceedings of the International UDC Seminar 2015, 29-30 October 2015, Lisbon, Portugal. P 151-162 / Aida Slavic, Maria Inês Cordeiro: ed' — Ergon: Würzburg 2015
| 1001001000000 · F A L KM · 2017 Faceted classification today: theory, technology and end users: proceedings of the International UDC Seminar, 14-15 September 2017, London, United Kingdom / Aida Slavic, Claudio Gnoli: ed'; UDC Consortium: organizer — Ergon: Würzburg 2017 |
| 0011100000000 · F E G KL · 2017 Syntax of facets and sources of foci: a review of alternatives = Faceted classification today: theory, technology and end users: proceedings of the International UDC Seminar, 14-15 September 2017, London, United Kingdom. P 243-256 / Aida Slavic, Claudio Gnoli: ed'— Ergon: Würzburg 2017 » (Knowledge organization)
| 0001100100000 · F G N KL KC KD KS · 2021 Faceted classifications as linked data: a logical analysis = (NKOS Consolidated Workshop: 2020.09.09-10) » Knowledge organization. 48: 2021. 3. P 213-218
| 1000100000000 · G A · 2020 Innovative ideas by some post-WWII francophone classificationists = Les cahiers du numérique. 16. 1: special issue: De quelques théoriciens et quelques praticiens de l'information-documentation. P 233-239
| 1000100000000 · G A KL KA · 2022 From health professionals' discourse to KOS: representing the facets of allergy in the Integrative Levels Classification / Marcin Trzmielewski, Claudio Gnoli = (NKOS Workshop. 2022.10.06-07: Seattle)
| 1000100000001 · G A T · 2024 Development and new applications of the Integrative Levels Classification / Claudio Gnoli, Emanuela Valenzano = (KO across disciplines and media: Brazitalian meeting: online: 2024.06.14)
resoconto = (Il metodo MA.VI. Blog)
| 0100100000000 · G D KB · 2024 Ranganathan's principles and a fully "freely faceted" classification = ALIS: Annals of library and information studies. 71: 2024. 4: Ranganathan and his legacy: past, present, future: special issue / Thomas M Dousa, Carlo Bianchini: ed'. P 113-120
| 0100100000000 · G D KL KB · 2023 Integrating terms from a complex health domain in a general faceted classification / Marcin Trzmielewski, Claudio Gnoli = (TOTh: Terminology and ontology: theory and applications. 2023: Bourget-du-Lac: 2023.06.01-02 / Université Savoie Mont Blanc) » Representing and organizing everyday medical terminology and
conceptualization in a general faceted
classification: towards a reconciliation between epistemological and ontological approaches = (actes) |
| 0000110000000 · G I · 2021 Migrating a complex classification scheme to the Semantic Web: expressing the Integrative Levels Classification using SKOS RDF / Ceri Binding, Claudio Gnoli, Douglas Tudhope = Journal of documentation. 77: 2021. 4. P 926-945
| 1000110000000 · G I A KL KB · 2023 Simpler search in a complex world: browsing ethnographic videos by freely faceted classmarks / Claudio Gnoli, Douglas Tudhope, Patrícia de Almeida, Romana Barbui, Ceri Binding, Véronique Blot = (ISKO UK Conference. 7: Glasgow: 2023.07.24-25)
| 0000110000000 · G I KL · 2021 Transforming the Integrative Levels Classification to SKOS: representation of numbers, dates and people via parallel facets / Claudio Gnoli, Douglas Tudhope = NKOS Consolidated Workshop. 2021. [Presentation 5]: online: 2021.09.22-23 |
| 1000010000000 · I A KL KI KB · 2014 Per una demarcazione ontologica dei concetti nell'organizzazione della conoscenza = Prospettive ontologiche: realismi a confronto [atti del convegno, Trento 2012.11.08-10]. P 303-317 / Roberto Poli: ed' — Morcelliana: Brescia 2014
| 1000010100000 · I A N KL KB · 2019 Une classification interdisciplinaire pour l'échange et la médiation
des données ouvertes de la recherche / Marcin Trzmielewski, Claudio Gnoli = (ISKO France. 2019: Montpellier 2019.10.09-11)
| 1000010001000 · I A P KB · 2018 Genealogical classification = (ISKO encyclopedia of knowledge organization / Birger Hjørland, Claudio Gnoli: ed') — ISKO » Knowledge organization. 50: 2023. 7. P 496-506 |
| 0100110000000 · I D G KB · 2020 Integrative Levels Classification (ILC) = (ISKO encyclopedia of knowledge organization / Birger Hjørland, Claudio Gnoli: ed') |
| 0100110000000 · I D G KL · 2020 The second edition of the Integrative Levels Classification / Ziyoung Park, Claudio Gnoli, Daniele Pascal Morelli = (NKOS Workshop at DCMI 2019: Seoul 2019.09.25) » Journal of data and information science. 5: 2020. 1. P 39-50
| 0000110000000 · I G KL · 2020 Integrative Levels Classification as a networked KOS: a SKOS representation of ILC2 / Ceri Binding, Claudio Gnoli, Gabriele Merli, Marcin Trzmielewski, Douglas Tudhope = Knowledge organization at the interface: proceedings International ISKO Conference. 16: Aalborg 2020.07. P 49-58 / Marianne Lykke, Tanja Svarre, Mette Skov, Daniel Martínez-Ávila : ed' = (Advances in knowledge organization. 17) — Ergon: Baden-Baden 2020 |
| 0100110000000 · I N KL · 2016 Expressing dependence relationships in the Integrative Levels Classification using OWL / Rodrigo De Santis, Claudio Gnoli = Knowledge Organization for a sustainable world: challenges and perspectives for cultural, scientific, and technological sharing in a connected society: proceedings International ISKO Conference. 14: Rio de Janeiro 2016.09.27-29. P 368-375 / José Augusto Chaves Guimarães, Suellen Oliveira Milani, Vera Dodebei: ed' — Ergon: Würzburg 2016 |
| 1000010011000 · I O P A KB · 2024 An informational approach to emergence = Foundations of science. 29: 2024. 2. P 543-551 — online 2022.11.24-
review = (Surtil)
| 0000010001000 · I P KL KA KD · 2021 Levels of reality as a fertile ontological model: invited speech: 2021.05.28 = (Seminarios de organização do conhecimento. 2021: História e memória da organização do conhecimento no Brasil / Instituto brasileiro de informação en ciência e tecnologia, Universidade federal do Rio de Janeiro) » (History and memory of the knowledge organization / Gustavo Saldanha, Tatiana de Almeida: ed') |
| 1000001000000 · L A KK KB · 2017 Organisation des connaissances dans la bibliothèque universitaire à l'ère numérique: stage effectué du 03/04/2017 au 28/07/2017 à l'Université de Pavie, Biblioteca della scienza e della tecnica / Marcin Trzmielewski; Claudio Gnoli: maître du stage; Muriel Roche-Triaire: responsable du stage à l'ITIC; Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3 |
| 1000001000000 · L A KL KB · 2023 Improving search quality by enhancing access to metadata / David Haynes, Koraljka Golub, Claudio Gnoli, Athena Salaba, Ali Shiri, Aida Slavic = (ISKO UK Conference. 7: 2023: Glasgow: proceedings) = (CEUR workshops) — 2024-
| 1000001000000 · L A KT · 2024 Library catalogue's search interface: making the most of subject metadata / Koraljka Golub, Claudio Gnoli, David Haynes, Athena Salaba, Ali Shiri, Aida Slavic = Knowledge organization. 51: 2024. 3. P 169-186
erratum on authors' order = Knowledge organization. 51: 2024. 4. P 286
| 1000110001000 · L I P A KS KB · 2018 Mentefacts as a missing level in theory of information science = Journal of documentation. 74 2018. 6. P 1226-1242Ontological conflict in library and information science: a comparison of Gnoli's ontological pluralism and Hjørland's ontological monism [in Japanese] / Mikiko Yokoyama = Library and information science. 84: 2020. P 1-21
| 1000011001000 · L I P A KS KL KB · 2019 Levels of information and LIS as a science of mentefacts = (COLIS. 2019: Ljubljana 2019.06.16-19) » (Information research. 24. 4)
| 0000001000000 · L KI KB · 2016 Bibliografie, biblioteche e gestione dell'informazione: un omaggio a Francesco Dell'Orso / Riccardo Ridi, Claudio Gnoli, Odile Martinez Dell'Orso, Gabriele Mazzitelli, Juliana Mazzocchi Michele Santoro: cura = (ESB forum) — 2016- |
| 1010000010000 · O A E KT · 2018 [Review of] Jaap Maat, 2004, Philosophical languages in the Seventeenth Century: Dalgarno, Wilkins, Leibniz, Dordrect-Boston-London: Kluwer (The new synthese historical library: texts and studies in the history of Philosophy. 54), 415 pp., ISBN 1-4020-1758-8 = Knowledge organization. 45. 8. P 709-711 |
| 1000010011000 · O P I A KI KB · 2021 Ontologia informazionale: una visione del mondo come livelli di sistemi informati: appunti in evoluzione = (PhilPapers) |
| 1000010001000 · P A I KL KB KC · 2015 The value added of organized information: from Floridi to Bennett = (Knowledge organization: making a difference: ISKO UK biennial conference: London 2015.07.13-14)
| 1000000001000 · P A KL KA · 2020 What is knowledge? = Qu'est-ce que la connaissance? : séminaire axe I2SP LERASS [online]
| 0000000011000 · P O KQ KB · 2024 A world of informed systems = (Information matters. 4: 2024. 5) |
| 0000000001001 · P T · 2018 La ricerca della felicità / Ferdinando Vogliotti; Claudia T Bruni, Claudio T Gnoli: cura — [depositato all'Archivio diaristico nazionale: Pieve Santo Stefano] |
| 0000000000100 · Q · 2014 A comparative study of Northern Apennine bagpipes and shawms / Riccardo Gandolfi, Valter Biella, Claudio Gnoli = Galpin Society journal. 67 2014. P 67-84, tables 38-39
| 0000000000100 · Q KI · 2020 Breve storia aperta della musa delle Quattro Province = Utriculus. 19: 2020. 59. P 43-48 |
| 0000000000100 · Q KI KB · 2015 Le balere nel bosco: Fiurentein, u Canen e il piffero nella media val Trebbia = La piva dal carner. NS. 11 2015.10. P 21-24 » (Dove comincia l'Appennino) |
| 0000000000100 · Q KQ KI KC · 2015 Antico futuro: cultura e tradizioni delle Quattro Province alla radio / Claudio Gnoli, Mauro Mantilero [con vari ospiti] — Tralantolaeilmarewebradio 2015.03- |
| 0000000000100 · Q KQ KI KD · 2016 Tradizioni delle [Quattro] Province e ballo della povera donna: intervista a Claudio Gnoli / Lucia Tolve; Lucia Tolve e David Ruben Barbaglia: riprese e montaggio = (You tube. David Barbaglia) — 2016.01.02- |
| 0000000000100 · Q KQ KL KI KA · 2015 Una tradizione musicale vitale nell'Italia contemporanea: l'Appennino delle Quattro Province → ECCo: Eastern College Consortium: Bologna 2015.11.16 = (The world we lost: Italy in the 1950s between traditional culture and modernity / Sara Iommi) |
| 0000000000100 · Q KS KM KI KB KD · 2016 Coi nostri strumenti: la tradizione delle Quattro Province dall'artigianato alla festa / Claudio Gnoli; Valter Biella, Michele Cavenago, Fiorenzo Debattisti, Paolo Rolandi: collaborazione — Social Science Open Access Repository 2016.11.10-recensione = La piva dal carner [sito] 2016.11.29- presentazione video
| 0000000010100 · Q O KI KB · 2015 La ricombinazione di formule nei canti tradizionali = (Dove comincia l'Appennino) |
| 0000000000110 · S Q KB · 2016 A review of Sciurus
Group studies on the red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris): presence, population
density and colour phases in Lombardy (Italy) / Carlo M Biancardi, Claudio G [i.e. T] Gnoli = Natural history sciences: atti della Società italiana di scienze naturali e del Museo civico di scienze naturali di Milano. 3 2016. 2. P 27-34
Claudio Gnoli is main author where not otherwise written.
Included are unprinted public speeches, in lighter colour.
Works are classified by the following faceted scheme: