| 2024 · G A T Development and new applications of the Integrative Levels Classification / Claudio Gnoli, Emanuela Valenzano = (KO across disciplines and media: Brazitalian meeting: online: 2024.06.14)
resoconto = (Il metodo MA.VI. Blog)

| 2024 · G D KB Ranganathan's principles and a fully "freely faceted" classification = ALIS: Annals of library and information studies. 71: 2024. 4: Ranganathan and his legacy: past, present, future: special issue / Thomas M Dousa, Carlo Bianchini: ed'. P 113-120

| 2023 · D G I L KL KA Why disciplines are not enough: library catalogues and phenomenon-based classification: invited keynote = (Days of Knowledge Organization. 2023: Oslo: 2023.06.01-02) |

| 2023 · G D KL KB Integrating terms from a complex health domain in a general faceted classification / Marcin Trzmielewski, Claudio Gnoli = (TOTh: Terminology and ontology: theory and applications. 2023: Bourget-du-Lac: 2023.06.01-02 / Université Savoie Mont Blanc) » Representing and organizing everyday medical terminology and
conceptualization in a general faceted
classification: towards a reconciliation between epistemological and ontological approaches = (actes) |

| 2023 · G I A KL KB Simpler search in a complex world: browsing ethnographic videos by freely faceted classmarks / Claudio Gnoli, Douglas Tudhope, Patrícia de Almeida, Romana Barbui, Ceri Binding, Véronique Blot = (ISKO UK Conference. 7: Glasgow: 2023.07.24-25)

| 2022 · A G Organization of medical knowledge: documentation techniques applied to a macro-domain implying socio-
political issues = Organisation des connaissances médicales / Marcin Trzmielewski, Claudio Gnoli = Information practices and knowledge in health. P 167-196 / Viviane Clavier, Céline Paganelli : ed' = 5 (Health engineering and society Series. Health information set) — ISTE : London ; Wiley : Hoboken : 2022

| 2022 · G A KL KA From health professionals' discourse to KOS: representing the facets of allergy in the Integrative Levels Classification / Marcin Trzmielewski, Claudio Gnoli = (NKOS Workshop. 2022.10.06-07: Seattle)
| 2021 · D A G I L Fiction in a phenomenon-based classification / Patrícia de Almeida, Claudio Gnoli = Cataloguing and classification quarterly. 59: 2021. 5. P 477-491

| 2021 · D A G I L KL Afirmando Pereira: a Integrative Levels Classification na representação do assunto ficcional / Patrícia de Almeida, Claudio Gnoli = Organização do conhecimento no horizonte 2030: desenvolvimento sustentável e saúde: atas do V Congresso ISKO Espanha-Portugal. P 605-616 / Carlos Guardado da Silva, Jorge Revez, Luis Corujo: ed' — Universidade de Lisboa. Centro de estudos Clássicos, Colibri: 2021

| 2021 · F G N KL KC KD KS Faceted classifications as linked data: a logical analysis = (NKOS Consolidated Workshop: 2020.09.09-10) » Knowledge organization. 48: 2021. 3. P 213-218
| 2021 · G I Migrating a complex classification scheme to the Semantic Web: expressing the Integrative Levels Classification using SKOS RDF / Ceri Binding, Claudio Gnoli, Douglas Tudhope = Journal of documentation. 77: 2021. 4. P 926-945

| 2021 · G I KL Transforming the Integrative Levels Classification to SKOS: representation of numbers, dates and people via parallel facets / Claudio Gnoli, Douglas Tudhope = NKOS Consolidated Workshop. 2021. [Presentation 5]: online: 2021.09.22-23 |
| 2020 · G A Innovative ideas by some post-WWII francophone classificationists = Les cahiers du numérique. 16. 1: special issue: De quelques théoriciens et quelques praticiens de l'information-documentation. P 233-239

| 2020 · I D G KB Integrative Levels Classification (ILC) = (ISKO encyclopedia of knowledge organization / Birger Hjørland, Claudio Gnoli: ed') |

| 2020 · I D G KL The second edition of the Integrative Levels Classification / Ziyoung Park, Claudio Gnoli, Daniele Pascal Morelli = (NKOS Workshop at DCMI 2019: Seoul 2019.09.25) » Journal of data and information science. 5: 2020. 1. P 39-50

| 2020 · I G KL Integrative Levels Classification as a networked KOS: a SKOS representation of ILC2 / Ceri Binding, Claudio Gnoli, Gabriele Merli, Marcin Trzmielewski, Douglas Tudhope = Knowledge organization at the interface: proceedings International ISKO Conference. 16: Aalborg 2020.07. P 49-58 / Marianne Lykke, Tanja Svarre, Mette Skov, Daniel Martínez-Ávila : ed' = (Advances in knowledge organization. 17) — Ergon: Baden-Baden 2020 |

| 2017 · F E G KL Syntax of facets and sources of foci: a review of alternatives = Faceted classification today: theory, technology and end users: proceedings of the International UDC Seminar, 14-15 September 2017, London, United Kingdom. P 243-256 / Aida Slavic, Claudio Gnoli: ed'— Ergon: Würzburg 2017 » (Knowledge organization)

| 2016 · D A G KM Interdisciplinary knowledge organization / Rick Szostak, Claudio Gnoli, María José López-Huertas — Springer: [Cham] 2016review / Michael Kleineberg = Knowledge organization. 43 2016. 8. P 663-667review / David B Levy = Canadian journal of information and library science. 40 2016. 4. P 347-348review / José A Guimarães = Journal of the Asociation for Information Science and Technology. 68. 9. P 2287–2289

| 2016 · I D G KS KC Classifying phenomena1: Dimensions = Knowledge organization. 43 2016. 6. P 403-4152: Types and levels = Knowledge organization. 44 2017. 1. P 37-543: Facets = Dimensions of knowledge: facets for knowledge organization. P 55-67 / Richard Smiraglia, Hur-Li Lee: ed' — Ergon: Würzburg 20174: Themes and rhemes = Knowledge organization. 45 2018. 1. P 43-53lecture [presentation] → University of Wisconsin Milwaukee. Knowledge Organization Research Group 2017.03.02» book = (Bibliotheca adademica) — Ergon: Würzburg 2019? |
| 2013 · G I Facets, levels and semantic factoring = SRELS journal of information management. 50 2013. 6: Golden Jubilee issue: Knowledge organization from libraries to the Web. P 751-762

| 2012 · D G KL KB Des métadonnées représentant quoi ?: établissement d'une distinction entre les dimensions ontiques, épistémologiques et documentaires dans l'organisation des connaissances: conférence invitée = L'organisation des connaissances: dynamisme et stabilité: [actes 8e Colloque international de l'ISKO France: Lille: 27-28 juin 2011]. 51-66 / Widad Mustafa el Hadi: direction = (Traités des sciences et techniques de l'information) — Hermes science-Lavoisier: Cachan 2012 » Metadata about what?: distinguishing between ontic, epistemic, and documental dimensions in knowledge organization = Knowledge organization. 39 2012. 4. 268-275


| 2012 · G I N T KL KI KB Le faccette dei fenomeni culturali: il caso dei video etnocoreutici = (Organizzare la conoscenza in musei, teatri e archivi multimediali: Roma 2012.09.10 / "Università di Roma la Sapienza. Centro teatro ateneo", "ISKO Italia") = (ISKO Italia. Documenti) — ISKO Italia 2012- |

| 2011 · G A KS KL KB Animals belonging to the emperor: enabling viewpoint warrant in classification = Subject access: preparing for the future: [proceedings IFLA satellite meeting: Firenze 2009.08.20-21]. 91-100 / Patrice Landry, Leda Bultrini, Edward T O'Neill, Sandra K Roe: ed' = IFLA series on bibliographic control. 42. — De Gruyter: Berlin 2011

| 2011 · G KS KL KB Representing the structural elements of a freely faceted classification / Claudio Gnoli, Tom Pullmann, Philippe Cousson, Gabriele Merli, Rick Szostak = Classification and ontology: formal approaches and access to knowledge: proceedings of the International UDC Seminar 19-20 September 2011: The Hague. 193-206 / Aida Slavic, Edgardo Civallero: ed' — Ergon: Würzburg 2011

| 2009 · G KL KB Beyond aboutness: classifying causal links in the service of interdisciplinarity / Claudio Gnoli, Rick Szostak = (Proceedings ASIST.CR Workshop 2009: Vancouver 2009.11.07 / Mikel Breitenstein, Cheryl Lin Loschko: ed') = (DLIST)

| 2009 · G KL KB Solving the information needs of transdisciplinarians through classification / Rick Szostak, Claudio Gnoli = (TD-net 2009: Integration in inter- and transdisciplinary research: Bern 2009.11.19-21) |

| 2008 · D G KL KB Classifying by phenomena, theories and methods: examples with focused social science theories / Rick Szostak, Claudio Gnoli = Culture and identity in knowledge organization: proceedings of the Tenth international ISKO conference, 5th-8th August 2008, Montréal, Canada. 203-209 / Clément Arsenault, Joseph T Tennis: ed' — Ergon: Würzburg 2008
full version = (ISKO Italia. ILC) — ISKO Italia 2008-

| 2008 · G I KL KB Freely faceted classification for a Web-based bibliographic archive: the BioAcoustic Reference Database / Claudio Gnoli, Gabriele Merli, Gianni Pavan, Elisabetta Bernuzzi, Marco Priano = Wissensspeicher in digitalen Räumen: Nachhaltigkeit, Verfügbarkeit, semantische Interoperabilität: Proceedings der 11. Tagung der Deutschen Sektion der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Wissenorganisation, Konstanz, 20. bis 22. Februar 2008 [Knowledge storage in digital space: persistence, availability, semantic interoperability]. 124-134 / Jörn Sieglerschmidt, H.-Peter Ohly: ed' — Ergon: Würzburg 2010 | (DLIST)

| 2008 · G KL KB Potential of freely faceted classification for knowledge retrieval and browsing = ECDL: European conference on research and advanced technology for digital libraries. 12. NKOS workshop 7. [11]: Aarhus 2008.09.19 |

| 2008 · I G KS KB Categories and facets in integrative levels = Axiomathes. 18 2008. 2. 177-192

| 2007 · D G KS KT KB The León manifesto / [Claudio Gnoli, Rick Szostak, María José López-Huertas] = (ILC) — ISKO Italia 2007- » Knowledge organization. 34 2007. 1. 6-8 |

| 2007 · F G KL KB Progress in synthetic classification: towards unique definition of concepts = Information access for the global community: an international seminar on the Universal decimal classification: The Hague 2007.06.04-05. [1] = Extensions & corrections to the UDC. 29 2007. 167-182 | (DLIST)

| 2007 · G E F KL KC "Classic" vs. "freely" faceted classification = Ranganathan revisited: facets for the future. [2] = KOnnect ISKO UK meeting. 2: London: 5th November 2007.report / Bob Bater — ISKO UK 2007-
| 2007 · G I KL KA Freely faceted classification for the Bioacoustic reference database [poster] / Claudio Gnoli, Gianni Pavan, Elisabetta Bernuzzi, Gabriele Merli, Marco Priano = (IBAC: International bioacoustic council conference. 21: Pavia 2007.09.15-18) |

| 2006 · G I D KS KL KB The meaning of facets in nondisciplinary classifications = Knowledge organization for a global learning society: proceedings of the Ninth international ISKO conference: Vienna: July 4th-7th, 2006. 11-18 / Gerhard Budin, Christian Swertz, Konstantin Mitgutsch: ed' — Ergon: Würzburg 2006 |

| 2006 · G I KS KB Freely faceted classification for Web-based information retrieval / Claudio Gnoli, Hong Mei = The new review of hypermedia and multimedia. 12 2006. 1. 63-81

| 2005 · E G I KI KB Notazione e interfaccia di ricerca per una classificazione a livelli / Claudio Gnoli, Gabriele Merli = AIDA informazioni. 23 2005. 1-2. 57-72 » (E-LIS)

| 2004 · G I KN KB Integrative Levels Classification: research project — ISKO Italia 2004- |
Claudio Gnoli is main author where not otherwise written.
Included are unprinted public speeches, in lighter colour.
Works are classified by the following faceted scheme: