Claudio Gnoli

Works by year

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2024 · D KS KT KB KD
Phenomenon-based classification: an ARIST paper / Claudio Gnoli, Richard Smiraglia, Rick Szostak = (Annual review of library and information science) = Journal of the Association for information science and technology. 75: 2024. 3. P 324-343
» [popular version] Should classification get undisciplined? (Information matters. 4: 2024. 1)



2021 · F G N KL KC KD KS
Faceted classifications as linked data: a logical analysis = (NKOS Consolidated Workshop: 2020.09.09-10) » Knowledge organization. 48: 2021. 3. P 213-218


2020 · A KS KM
Introduction to knowledge organization — Facet: London 2020
» review / Susan Rathbun-Grubb = Technical services quarterly. 38: 2021. 4. P 459-460
» review / MP Satija = Library progress. 41: 2021. 2. P 375-377
» Polish review / Bartłomiej Włodarczyk = Zagadnienia informacji naukowej: studia informacyjne. 59: 2021. 2. P 82-85



2019 · L I P A KS KL KB
Levels of information and LIS as a science of mentefacts = (COLIS. 2019: Ljubljana 2019.06.16-19)
» (Information research. 24. 4)


2018 · L I P A KS KB
Mentefacts as a missing level in theory of information science = Journal of documentation. 74 2018. 6. P 1226-1242
]] Ontological conflict in library and information science: a comparison of Gnoli's ontological pluralism and Hjørland's ontological monism [in Japanese] / Mikiko Yokoyama = Library and information science. 84: 2020. P 1-21



2016 · I D G KS KC
Classifying phenomena
  • 1: Dimensions = Knowledge organization. 43 2016. 6. P 403-415
  • 2: Types and levels = Knowledge organization. 44 2017. 1. P 37-54
  • 3: Facets = Dimensions of knowledge: facets for knowledge organization. P 55-67 / Richard Smiraglia, Hur-Li Lee: ed' — Ergon: Würzburg 2017
  • 4: Themes and rhemes = Knowledge organization. 45 2018. 1. P 43-53
  • lecture [presentation] → University of Wisconsin Milwaukee. Knowledge Organization Research Group 2017.03.02
  • » book = (Bibliotheca adademica) — Ergon: Würzburg 2019?


    2016 · Q KS KM KI KB KD
    Coi nostri strumenti: la tradizione delle Quattro Province dall'artigianato alla festa / Claudio Gnoli; Valter Biella, Michele Cavenago, Fiorenzo Debattisti, Paolo Rolandi: collaborazione — Social Science Open Access Repository 2016.11.10-
  • recensione = La piva dal carner [sito] 2016.11.29-
  • presentazione video



    2013 · E L KS KL KB
    Sorting documents by base theme with synthetic classification: the double query method / Claudio Gnoli, Alberto Cheti = Classification & visualization: interfaces to knowledge: proceedings of the international UDC Seminar, 24-25 October 2013, The Hague, The Netherlands. P 225-232 / Aida Slavic, Almila Akdag Salah, Sylvie Davies: ed' — Ergon: Würzburg 2013



    2011 · G A KS KL KB
    Animals belonging to the emperor: enabling viewpoint warrant in classification = Subject access: preparing for the future: [proceedings IFLA satellite meeting: Firenze 2009.08.20-21]. 91-100 / Patrice Landry, Leda Bultrini, Edward T O'Neill, Sandra K Roe: ed' = IFLA series on bibliographic control. 42. — De Gruyter: Berlin 2011



    2011 · G KS KL KB
    Representing the structural elements of a freely faceted classification / Claudio Gnoli, Tom Pullmann, Philippe Cousson, Gabriele Merli, Rick Szostak = Classification and ontology: formal approaches and access to knowledge: proceedings of the International UDC Seminar 19-20 September 2011: The Hague. 193-206 / Aida Slavic, Edgardo Civallero: ed' — Ergon: Würzburg 2011



    2010 · D I KS KB
    Classification transcends library business = (UDC seminar. 2009: Classification at a crossroads: The Hague 2009.10.29-30) = Knowledge organization. 37 2010. 3. 223-229
  • abstract = Extensions and corrections to the UDC. 31 2009. Annex. 213



    2010 · I F KS KL KB
    Levels, types, facets: three structuring principles for KO = Paradigms and conceptual systems in knowledge organization: International ISKO international conference. 11: Rome 2010.02.23-26: proceedings. 129-137 / Claudio Gnoli, Fulvio Mazzocchi: ed' — Ergon: Würzburg 2010


    2008 · I G KS KB
    Categories and facets in integrative levels = Axiomathes. 18 2008. 2. 177-192


    2007 · D G KS KT KB
    The León manifesto / [Claudio Gnoli, Rick Szostak, María José López-Huertas] = (ILC) — ISKO Italia 2007- » Knowledge organization. 34 2007. 1. 6-8



    2006 · G I D KS KL KB
    The meaning of facets in nondisciplinary classifications = Knowledge organization for a global learning society: proceedings of the Ninth international ISKO conference: Vienna: July 4th-7th, 2006. 11-18 / Gerhard Budin, Christian Swertz, Konstantin Mitgutsch: ed' — Ergon: Würzburg 2006


    2006 · G I KS KB
    Freely faceted classification for Web-based information retrieval / Claudio Gnoli, Hong Mei = The new review of hypermedia and multimedia. 12 2006. 1. 63-81


    2006 · I KS KB
    Phylogenetic classification = Knowledge organization. 33 2006. 3. 138-152
  • Phylogenetic classification revisited / Birger Hjørland, Claudio Gnoli = Knowledge organization. 36 2009. 1. P 78-79


    2004 · I D KS KB
    Levels of reality and levels of representation / Claudio Gnoli, Roberto Poli = Knowledge organization. 31 2004. 3. 151-160


    Claudio Gnoli is main author where not otherwise written. Included are unprinted public speeches, in lighter colour. Works are classified by the following faceted scheme:

    A  knowledge organization (KO), subject indexing, classification
    D  KO dimensions, phenomena vs. disciplines, interdisciplinarity
    E  free KO systems, simple synthesis of concepts
    F  classical faceted KO systems
    G  freely faceted KO systems
    I  integrative levels, ontological-phylogenetical approach to KO
    L  libraries and their catalogues
    N  Internet search, information architecture
    O  information, semiotics, artificial languages
    P  philosophy
    Q  the Quattro Province area
    S  wildlife
    T  other topics

    Claudio Gnoli. Works by subject — <> : 2020.12 - 2024.05 -
    « Claudio Gnoli. Works by subject — Università di Pavia. Dipartimento di Matematica <> : 2012.05 - 2021
    « Lavori biblioteconomici = LIS works — Università di Pavia. Dipartimento di Matematica <> : 2003.07 - 2013.11
    « Lavori biblioteconomici = LIS works — Yahoo!-Geocities <> : 2001.02 - 2009.10